The Smart Money Woman by Arese Ugwu

The Smart Money Woman by Arese Ugwu

Aimed to offer women from Nigeria  and the world at large,inspiration and support in pursuing and managing their financial dreams, The Smart Money Wom

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Aimed to offer women from Nigeria  and the world at large,inspiration and support in pursuing and managing their financial dreams, The Smart Money Woman by Arese Ugwu, appeals to every woman, especially those from areas where their status and achievements are not yet equally considered with men.

It is the story of Zuri, a gifted woman working in the investment sector going through times of financial hardship only because she was unable to plan her budget and balance her spending. At the end of each chapter, there are some short financial advices and a couple of exercises that will help you to track your expenses, think about the right savings and investments and prioritize your debt payment.

Interesting are also the remarks and observations about the role of some women appearing in the story in the family. Some are just hunting for a rich husband, some are the real breadwinners but not officially acknowledged so, by fear of not affecting the social status of the man. Some are just advised to downplay their achievements in order to be more attractive. Although not very widespread, such mind settings can be encountered once in a while in some societies outside the African world as well.

The book is well written and has many interesting ideas that can help you advance your business or your financial independence.