Professor Oladapo Ashiru bags African Child Prize Award for Discovery in Science and Innovation.

Professor Oladapo Ashiru bags African Child Prize Award for Discovery in Science and Innovation.

The African Child Foundation, a growing community of young African leaders passionate about humanitarian services, recently conferred on Professor Ola

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The African Child Foundation, a growing community of young African leaders passionate about humanitarian services, recently conferred on Professor Oladapo Ashiru (OFR) with the African Child Prize Award for Discovery in Science and Innovation. The honor was awarded him after a rigorous search which identified his accomplishments.  

Not only has he set a new agenda for Africa, with his pioneering spirit in the field of health care, he is known to have been the youngest ever professor to be appointed in the field of Medicine in Africa at the age of 32year. With over 40 years experience in the treatment of infertility and reproductive endocrinology, with several pioneering breakthroughs in medical science including the first test tube baby research, first sickle cell free baby pre-implantation genetic testing and a pioneer in the use of Modern Mayr Medicine therapy in Africa, it is little wonder he was bestowed with such honour at a ceremony which held on the 16th of June at the Oriental Hotel in Lagos Nigeria.

In addition to these, he is the Group Medical Director and Chief Executive officer of Mart Group, a world class healthcare platform with the following Units:

  • Medical Art Centre: A center of excellence for couples seeking to overcome the challenge of infertility with cutting edge state of art facilities for all infertility including, sperm extraction as well as gestational surrogacy.
  • Mart Medicare: A foremost clinic for neonatal, obstetrics and gyneacology, antenatal, maternity, and pediatrics in Nigeria.
  • Mart-Life Detox Clinic: The only clinic in Africa that uses modern Mayr Medicine to treat clients. It is indeed a world medical spa in the heart of Lagos.
  • Mart Diagnostics: A state of the art diagnostic centre that includes Pre-implantation Genetic Testing (PGT) for sickle cell carrier couples and for chromosomal abnormalities and family balancing.

In his acceptance speech, Prof Ashiru thanked the African Child Foundation for the honor and dedicated the award to all the staff in Mart Group for their professionalism, care and dedication in the discharge of their respective duties everyday. He added that he will continue to put smiles on the faces of everyone with a fertility challenge while also maintaining utmost perfection in the quest to be part of the world’s cutting edge development in this peculiar area of medicine.