The Pressure Cooker by Nkiru Olumide-Ojo

The Pressure Cooker by Nkiru Olumide-Ojo

Who better to write a book addressing women in the corporate world other one who is in the corporate world herself, Nkiru Olumide-Ojo. A thorough-bred

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Who better to write a book addressing women in the corporate world other one who is in the corporate world herself, Nkiru Olumide-Ojo. A thorough-bred career woman, her career spans marketing communications, telecommunications, oil and gas and banking, through the book, The Pressure Cooker addresses the numerous challenges women face in the course of pursuing their career and running their families. The book also talked about how women can be successful in their careers while also maintaining a decent home. She hopes that through the book, women would be able to learn lessons from her life experiences and avoid errors that are common among women in the work place and at home with their partners. The 110-page book treats different aspects of the stages every career woman will experience and tips are predicated on how these different stages are handled. These work stages are grouped under 9 chapters: Mum at work; Get over yourself and get ahead; The boys’ club; Your Partner and your work; The executive suite: getting up the ladder; You and the next woman; Managing Up: you and your boss; Back to the beginning; and Lessons from failing.