President Macron is a makeup lover spends N3.6m monthly on it

President Macron is a makeup lover spends N3.6m monthly on it

It has been revealed that President Macron spent aboout $30,000(N10.8m) almost equal to the French people’s average annual disposable income on makeup

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It has been revealed that President Macron spent aboout $30,000(N10.8m) almost equal to the French people’s average annual disposable income on makeup services in the French President’s first three months in office. This translates to about N3.6m monthly.

In France, the average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is 29,759 dollars a year, according to data from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The Elysee Palace paid a makeup artist once for 10,000 euros (11,000 dollars) and then again for 16,000 euros (19,000 dollars), for doing up the president for public appearances, a Washington Post report quoted French magazine Le Point as saying.

A spokesman for the Elysee Palace announced on French television that the budget will be reduced significantly. Still, President Macron is said to spend more or less the same on makeup as his two predecessors did. Francois Hollande spent slightly more per quarter, while Nicolas Sarkozy spent slightly less.

Approval rating for President Macron has since dropped to 36 percent, a record low after the French president’s first 100 days in office, according to a latest Ifop poll.