NCAA licenses Obiora Okonkwo’s United Nigeria Airlines, conducts inaugural flight

NCAA licenses Obiora Okonkwo’s United Nigeria Airlines, conducts inaugural flight

The long awaited inaugural flight of United Nigeria Airlines finally happened on Friday, February 12, 2021 after it received its air operators c

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The long awaited inaugural flight of United Nigeria Airlines finally happened on Friday, February 12, 2021 after it received its air operators certificate from the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) to commence flight operations in Nigeria.

The airline promoted by Obiora Okonkwo, an Anambra businessman, which will concentrate on the Southern part of Nigeria for now, added Lagos and Abuja to its route because of the peculiarities of the cities.

The new airline’s flight route and time are Lagos-Abuja at 6:45am daily; Abuja-Lagos at 8:15am daily; Lagos-Asaba at 9:45am daily; Asaba-Abuja at 11:15am daily; Abuja-Asaba a4 12:45pm daily and Asaba-Lagos at 14:15pm daily. It will also operate Lagos-Enugu at 7:00am daily; Enugu-Abuja at 8:30am daily; Abuja-Enugu at 10:00am daily and Enugu-Lagos at 11:30am daily.

United Nigeria Airlines for now has only three aircrafts in its fleet; two of those aircrafts have been aptly named; Our mother Mary of Miracle, and Blessed Iwene Tansi, named after the late reverend father who was beatified by Pope John Paul II, when he visited Nigeria in 1997.

There are however plans to increase the number in its fleet as it expands its area of operation.