Man whose fart kills mosquitoes hired to create new repellent

Man whose fart kills mosquitoes hired to create new repellent

Joe Rwamirama, from Kampala, Uganda claims that his farts can kill mosquitoes up to six metres away, and that he’s been hired by a manufacturing compa

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Joe Rwamirama, from Kampala, Uganda claims that his farts can kill mosquitoes up to six metres away, and that he’s been hired by a manufacturing company to help develop a new repellent. The reason for Joe’s strange insect-killing farts remains unclear, and he claims that his farts are ‘just like everyone else.’

Speaking, the 48 year old said: “I eat ordinary food just like everyone else but no insect can lay a foot on me, not even a fly. I smell like a normal man and I bathe daily and my farts are just like everyone else, they are only dangerous to small insects and especially mosquitoes.”

His special skill is well known across Kampala, according to local barber, James Yoweri.
“He is known all over the city as the man who can kill mosquitoes with his farts. When Joe is around we all know that mosquitoes will vanish. He is respectful of people around him and will only fart when there are mosquitoes around which bring malaria. His farts gets rid of this disease,” Yoweri said.

While the identity of the manufacturing company remains a mystery, Mr Rwamirama claims that they’re paying him ‘millions’ to help create a new repellent.