Nigerian, Ketandu Chiedu wins scholarships to Harvard, Yale, others

Nigerian, Ketandu Chiedu wins scholarships to Harvard, Yale, others

This is a major feat as a Nigerian girl, Ketandu Chiedu has won full scholarship to six universities, three of them, Ivy Leagues. They are Harvard, Ya

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This is a major feat as a Nigerian girl, Ketandu Chiedu has won full scholarship to six universities, three of them, Ivy Leagues. They are Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, MIT, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. No doubt you’ve heard of these universities. These universities are world-class higher learning institutions in the United States.

Her elated mum, Joy Chiedu took to her facebook to celebrate this extra ordinary feat saying; “With deepest pride and gratitude, I’m pleased to announce that my daughter, Ketandu Deborah Adaeze Chiedu, has been accepted into Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign all on FULL RIDE scholarships. After many many years of hard work, sleepless nights and uttermost dedication to her course, we witness a day like this.”

Joy goes ahead to reveal that she fled Nigeria in 2007. “I fled Nigeria with Ketandu and her little sister, leaving behind a failed marriage and a few broken dreams. I wasn’t sure what laid ahead, but there was never a time I doubted my capability to rise from the ashes of my failure. The burning desire to make a life for my two little girls kept me plotting, strategizing and constantly seeking opportunities. Through the years, I suffered several setbacks but I have also enjoyed many many blessings.”