Jennifer Aniston goes candid for ELLE magazine

Jennifer Aniston goes candid for ELLE magazine

In one of her most revealing and honest interviews ever, actress, Jennifer Aniston who rarely discusses her personal life gets quite candid with ELLE

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In one of her most revealing and honest interviews ever, actress, Jennifer Aniston who rarely discusses her personal life gets quite candid with ELLE magazine commenting on her marriages and the pressures society places on women to have children.

According to the 48 year old, “My marriages, they’ve been very successful, in [my] personal opinion. And when they came to an end, it was a choice that was made because we chose to be happy, and sometimes happiness didn’t exist within that arrangement anymore. Sure, there were bumps, and not every moment felt fantastic, obviously, but at the end of it, this is our one life and I would not stay in a situation out of fear. Fear of being alone. Fear of not being able to survive. To stay in a marriage based on fear feels like you’re doing your one life a disservice. When the work has been put in and it doesn’t seem that there’s an option of it working, that’s okay. That’s not a failure. We have these clichés around all of this that need to be reworked and retooled, you know? Because it’s very narrow-minded thinking.”

On societal pressure on women she says, “We live in a society that messages women. By this age, you should be married; by this age, you should have children and that’s a fairy tale. That’s the mold we’re slowly trying to break out of. When the topic of children continues. It’s such a shallow lens that people look through. It’s the only place to point a finger at me as though it’s my damage, like it’s some sort of a scarlet letter on me that I haven’t yet procreated, or maybe won’t ever procreate. Some people are just built to be wives and have babies. I don’t know how naturally that comes to me.”

She however doesn’t shut down the idea of having children or trying love again. “Who knows what the future holds in terms of a child and a partnership, how that child comes in or doesn’t? And now with science and miracles, we can do things at different times than we used to be able to.”

Click here for her full interview