Deeper life church member unhappy about ‘unconventional music’ being introduced by church founder, Pastor Kumuyi

Deeper life church member unhappy about ‘unconventional music’ being introduced by church founder, Pastor Kumuyi

An anti-indecency campaigner and a member of Pastor Williams Kumuyi's led Deeper Christian Life church, Prince Dele Banjo has staged a peaceful pr

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An anti-indecency campaigner and a member of Pastor Williams Kumuyi’s led Deeper Christian Life church, Prince Dele Banjo has staged a peaceful protest at the Deeper Life Headquarters at Gbagada, Lagos against the introduction of what he considers to be ‘unconventional music’ by the church founder.

He noted that Kumuyi who is like a father to them did not raise members of his church with such a music.

Dele further stressed that the invitation of local Christian musicians that are not advocates of modesty isn’t acceptable.

He finally urged that the church continues to use the book of hymns to worship God like they use to.

Read part of the letter below; “We are surprised about the introduction of unconventional music as well as the invitation of Gospel rock stars to Deeper Life. We are also surprised about the invitation of local Christian musicians that are not advocates of modesty to deeper life.

“We are surprised because pastor Kumuyi who is our father in the Lord did not raise us his children with such music. Instead, he raised us with modesty, holiness and the belief that we should worship God with our book of hymns alone using low toned and humble songs.

“Pastor Kumuyi was the one that taught us all we know about modesty and holiness, so we are surprised that our teacher is changing direction and he is inviting international Gospel rock stars and local musicians that are not advocates of modesty to come and sing at deeper life.

“We strongly believe that as a holiness church, deeper life ought to stick with our choir and our God given hymn book alone. We don’t need unnecessary noise from these American gospel rockstars and these local Christian musicians.

“Our God given and humble choir at deeper life that consists of those lovely teenagers, keyboardists and trumpeters is enough for us at deeper life.

“Since he is our father in the Lord, we hereby request an explanation from him; we want to our dear father in the Lord to defend the invitation of rockstars and local Christian musicians that are not advocates of modesty.

“We hold in our hands the book of hymns in order to prove to everyone that all we need in deeper life is our God given book of hymns. Thank you very much”.

Similarly, a few weeks ago, a former member of the church who was a youth instructor, Gideon Akande, blasted Kumuyi over the same invitation of Dunsin Oyekan, Ibukun Awosika and Iyinoluwa Aboyeji for a youth camp.

He disclosed this in a statement titled “Letter To Pastor Kumuyi: Is there no prophet in Israel?” expressing that the cleric is leading the church astray by inviting strangers to the church.

The statement reads, “When I was in Deeper Life Bible Church then, as a youth instructor, for all the district, regional and state programs we would invite the best educators, doctors, professionals and others, all successful members of Deeper Life with the same spiritual quality and values and those programs impartations are part of my business success today.

“But today, look at the flyer, are you saying there are no more successful people in Deeper Life Bible Church than those strangers invited? Are you saying there are no anointed brothers who can sing better than Dunsin from all the global crusades with different ministrations from Deeper Life choirs? Are there no prophets in Israel that DLBC and Pastor Kumuyi are busy engaging Philistines to their altars because they are obsessed with popularity, anyone popular now is invited. I hope you will not begin to invite Christian comedians in the coming years.

“I am no more in Deeper Life Bible Church, God called me into media evangelism but Deeper Life remains my home church. Sir, Pastor Kumuyi, If you are tired, go home and rest but don’t ruin what you have built for years because I am scared.

“This is how old RCCG that Rev Akindayomi built collapsed and new model of RCCG emerged. It started gradually by inviting strangers who come with strange spirits. I can’t imagine the various strange spirits those youth will be imparted with in this program. May God help His servant and His church.”