Couples should take sex seriously in their marriage – Aminat Ayeni

Couples should take sex seriously in their marriage – Aminat Ayeni

Aminat Eniola Ayeni is a graduate of Psychology from the University of East London and the Chief Executive Officer of Aminat’s Secret, a company that

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Aminat Eniola Ayeni is a graduate of Psychology from the University of East London and the Chief Executive Officer of Aminat’s Secret, a company that focuses on the sexual wellbeing of both men and women. In this interview with Oluwatoyin Aguda, she opens up on why she ventured into it and why she believes couples should take sex seriously in their marriage.

Why did you choose this line of business?
Growing up, I wanted to become a counselor or psychologist but I didn’t know how to go about it unlike in London where I was coming from where sex is everything. Also, when I came to Nigeria I heard all sorts of stories about marriages and relationships coupled with the fact that I had a terrible relationship. I got to introduced to something called ‘Kayan Mata,’ and even though I didn’t get to use them eventually because my relationship was way beyond repairs, I decided to give the products to some of my friends. The response was amazing, and they wanted more of the products.  In doing my research, I travelled to the North, to Sokoto, Niger Republic, Senegal and other places where they make the best aphrodisiacs. Now I travel to the North every month where I spend at least three days, as there are new herbs for aphrodisiacs every day. At a point, I decided to have my own farm where I personally grow herbs.

Don’t you think there are other reasons for divorce, why do you lay so much emphasis on sex?
I have a lot of male friends, uncles and big brothers who tell me that 80 percent of men cheat because they are not sexually satisfied and women do not pay attention to themselves and to sex especially when they start having children.

What common question do women ask when they come to you?
They complain they don’t get aroused, they are not stimulated, they don’t enjoy sex and they feel their vaginas are not tight probably because they just had a child. Some of them just buy aphrodisiacs because they want to keep their husband satisfied and prevent them from straying.

What challenges come with this kind of business?
There are a lot of frustrated women in relationships that are beyond repair and they feel my products will help. I tell women that their attitude, submission and other factors have a role to play. They can’t be disrespectful to their husband and expect magic from my products. My products work in tandem with their attitude. As a woman you have to be submissive, patient and be able to communicate with your man. There are also some issues we can’t rectify. For instance if your husband has other sexual orientation, that is beyond us.

A lot of people fear that most herbal aphrodisiacs are fetish
No it is not. However different people get different results as people’s bodies differ and they react to products differently. For us at Aminat’s Secret, all you have to do is follow our instructions.

How does using one of your products, the waist bead, help ones’ sex life?
Everybody knows that waist beads are attractive and sexy. The ones I have is for attraction. I also have the attraction oil which has a beautiful scent. If you have a beautiful waist bead with the attraction oil, I don’t see any guy that won’t find that attractive. Our waist beads are original gold and pearl. They are a beauty to behold.

How rewarding is the business?
It is very rewarding. However, I am happier when I hear testimonies of clients, women who tell me their husbands now spend more time with them. For women who are trying to conceive, there are more chances of getting pregnant. I am not doing it for the money, I do it to put smiles on people’s faces.

Aminat Ayeni

How do you forestall a situation where some desperate girls don’t use the products to get the attention of other women’s husband?
We have different products that perform different functions. For instance we have a session for only married women where you have to present a copy of your marriage certificate. Then, as a psychologist, I have an interactive session with clients. I try to understand if the woman is on a mission or if genuinely she wants to make her marriage better. Recently, we have been taking it very seriously. We give them a form to fill, ask for pictures and evidences to ascertain that they are actually married. I always encourage women to spice up their marriage before another woman does it for them.

How comfortable are you using certain terms?
I am very outspoken, I enjoy counselling people, I say it as it is!

How affordable are your products?
My products are luxuries, it is not for everyone. I will say it is for the elites and well to do. I don’t need to discriminate, but I brand my products are for a certain class of people.

How much are women willing to spend on aphrodisiacs?
Some are willing to spend as much as N300,000 at a go, while some buy in bits.

What have you learnt doing this kind of business?
That women are going through a lot, and all they need is a shoulder to cry on. They just need someone to listen to them. I have also learnt that sex is very important in marriage.

Will you say coming from a bad relationship was your major motivation?
Yes as well as hearing about other people’s relationship. I wanted to be a counsellor and psychologist and this affords me a platform to do so. I am grateful to God because if not for my bitter relationship, I won’t be where I am today.

Where do you see your business in 5 years?
I see us expanding to other states in Nigeria, I also see us having branches abroad and extending my services to the Western World. I hope to have a counseling firm and a shelter for women one day. I also intend to have a talk show for women where they can talk about their relationships.