Angela Merkel says she is well despite suffering visible tremors

Angela Merkel says she is well despite suffering visible tremors

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel during military honors for Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy at the chancellery in Berlin, Germany, was seen vi

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German Chancellor, Angela Merkel during military honors for Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy at the chancellery in Berlin, Germany, was seen visibly shaking during the ceremony. Video footage showed the 64 suffering visible tremors as she stood alongside the visiting Ukrainian President. She was struggling to stand while she and the newly elected leader in Kiev listened to the national anthem during military honors.

But she has denied any issue of ill health. She has said she is doing “very well” suggesting that dehydration was to blame.
“Since then I have drunk at least three glasses of water. I obviously needed that and so I’m doing very well now,” she said during a press conference. She was no longer shaking at that point.

Berlin experienced high temperatures today, reaching a peak of 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius). Angela Merkel, who has been chancellor since 2005, has said that that she will not seek re-election when her term expires in 2021.